Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Cloth Diapers, Anyone? Am I Crazy?!

Okay, so I haven't been one to fully jump on the "Green" bandwagon, but there have been some small changes I have made here and there. My question to you is, am I crazy for considering cloth diapers?

One of my good friends here in town is sold on them, so I'm leaning on her for the best products on the block...she's pretty much tried them all! I went over to her house last night, and she sent me home with a stash to try out for a few days. Today was my first official day testing them out on Graham, and I have to say, the process is much less painful than I thought it would be. Call me crazy, but I actually kind of like the system, and I'm a big fan of not having smelly diapers sitting around.

I am still contemplating whether or not I want to take the plunge, but I gotta be's not what I thought it would be. I hadn't realized how far these things have come over the past few years. My mind kept thinking back to the burp cloth type diapers + clothespins + plastic covers, and I wanted nothing to do with that.

Thankfully I have a friend who is much more informed than I am. Never would I have been brave enough to take on all the research myself, but I'm leaning on her experience, and it's been painless so far...what a great first day in the life of a cloth diaper mommy ;-)

I tried a couple different ones throughout the day today, and so far these are my favorite:


Christina said...

my friend uses cloth diapers and loves them. she has certain cloth diapers she uses and certain inserts. she says she saves $100 a month. let me know if u need anymore assistance!
i am all for just throwing them out and not dealing with them. but i am defintely a thrower outer and not green at all :)

Matt and Abby said...

I don't use them for the "green" part. I use them for the "saving hundreds of dollars" part. They aren't that bad are they? I've been doing it for 2 years now and I must say there are days I don't want to because they definitely take longer to put on and they are more work in general. But to us, it's worth the money. Esp since I can't breastfeed and bringing my babies home takes a bit more money than the average mom:)

MP said...

you are totally not crazy. i considered them myself. If i had a friend let me borrow some to try out. I would TOTALLY do it!! Way to go court!! :): Glad you had fun in Chi-town!! :):)

grace said...

Hey Courtney I have used BumGenius pocket diapers since my son was born. I love them! I have maybe spent $300 on diapers in 2 years. I have a few blog posts about them.

Catherine Shumate said...

Just like Grace we use BumGenius 4.0. My husband actually grew up with the creator of them. Most days I am really glad we use cloth. You know there are "those days" when you just want to throw away the diaper (but we just keep a few 'sposies around for that). I totally agree with not having dirty diapers sitting around in trash cans. We started cloth when Elena was about 3 months old. I remember counting the days until trash day. There are definitely several tips I could pass along that make cloth easier but it sounds like you have a veteran friend helping you out. Good luck!!

Oooo one tip I have to give you now since you might buy some. I would highly recommend snap closures. Elena is 10mo. old and already knows how to open the velcro closure ones that we have.