Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A Little Getaway

Last weekend we took a short road trip to Kansas City to be with Dave's extended family...kind of a late Christmas gathering of sorts. Will always does so well in the car, but Graham can be another story. Thankfully this was the best he's done yet. Our drive to Chicago over Thanksgiving was a tad hairy, but the 3-hour drive to KC was a breeze in comparison.

20 minutes into the drive and he already managed to get off both shoes and one sock. Let the never-ending game of peek-a-boo begin!

Grammy & cute cousin Ruby :)

A common scene...bully Graham wrestling Will to the ground.

yet another common scene. cars, cars, and more cars!

2 of my favorite boys...

...and the 3rd :)

we spotted this cardinal perched in a bush through a window.

Dave made plans to attend a conference in San Francisco for a good majority of this week, and needed to leave on Sunday, so he flew out of Kansas City on Sunday afternoon. With Dave's family being there with us, it worked out so well that I didn't have to travel back on my own with the boys. His mom drove with us, and we decided to spend a few days at Grammy & Grandpa's while Dave was out of town.

We all enjoyed the change of scenery. It also worked out well, because in the matter of 2 days we got dumped on with 8+" of snow and had temps below freezing, with 30 mph winds. Needless to say, we stayed put for those couple days.

This was Dave & Kristin's play kitchen when they were little...the boys had such a blast with it!

Trying to play with Koko through the window

Will & Grammy making my birthday cake :)

My birthday was on Tuesday, so Will helped Grammy bake me a cake, and we all went out for dinner that night. We ventured back home on Wednesday, and picked Dave up at the airport last night (Thurs).

While at Dave's parents' house, a friend of mine wanted to take me out for a birthday dinner on Monday night, so since I had "live-in" babysitters, I was able to leave the boys with them while she and I had fun. Most of the stores were closed due to the weather, but I was able to pick up a few maternity items...before long I will need to bust out that wardrobe :/ We went to Cheesecake Factory and had dinner, and of course, some yummy dessert as well.

The celebrations continued last night, when two other friends offered to take me out. We went to Cantina Laredo and just gabbed it up all night long. To top it off, Dave and I are planning to celebrate on Saturday night with a little date night as well...I like this birthday thing...perhaps I should have one more often!

1 comment:

Christina said...

it sounds like you had a great birthday! awesome!!!
i can't believe all the snow. that is nice you had some people to help entertain the boys!
i really like graham's haircut. not sure if it is a hairdo or just growing in but it looks super cute!