Friday, October 22, 2010

Stealing Ideas Left and Right

You can't say I didn't warn you (my mom friends, that is) that I'd be stealing some of your fun ideas ;-) I'm sure just like us, you're trying to take full-advantage of these last remaining warm days. We've had gorgeous temps in the 70's the past couple weeks, but apparently the shift happens tonight. Today's high reached somewhere in the upper 70's, but there's talk of snow flurries next week (GULP)! Apparently a cold front is coming our way, and tonight, rain to boot...which explains this nasty headache of mine that won't go away.

Nonetheless, me and the boys have been out and about as much as possible. The first idea we stole was going on a nature walk. We made some high-tech toilet paper roll binoculars, and collected leaves, tree bark, berries, acorns, and flowers along the way, and glued them to construction paper. Thanks for the fun idea, Meredith...we had a great time.

our nature walk treasures

The second idea we stole was from my friend Becca. I took the boys downtown to the riverfr
ont this afternoon. There's a park area right on the river that has big metal slides. At first Will seemed a little unsure about going down, but he was having fun watching all the other kids. I could tell he was contemplating it, but until I asked if he wanted to go with me and Graham, he was pretty hesitant. However; after hearing my suggestion, he responding with a resounding, "YEAH!" Hence, Will, Graham, my camera, purse, and I all went down the slide at the same time...wish I had that one on video...or not ;-)

Thanks for the ideas...keep them coming, yall!!

for once, Will's actually cooperating with my camera

thinking about it...

at the bottom right after we went down :)

yes, this is Omaha...not as podunk as you thought, huh? :)

We met up with Dave after work for dinner, and had some great family time. To make the day even more memorable, Graham took his first official (independent) steps today. He was so proud of himself, and so were we...good job, little're growing up too fast!!!


Christina said...

it looks like y'all had fun with your new ideas u have "stolen." lol!
you have such a gift with photography.
btw, i envy your BOB :) i have a BOB single ironman and lost to jeff on buying the duallie. in the end it worked out fine since makenna is rarely in a stroller but i sure wish i had one!!

The Samsons said...

I looove your pictures! please I was giving away the ideas - you dont even have to say you stole them. PLUS I didnt have two cutie boys to photograph. They are beautiful boys!! I'm so glad you ran with my idea!!