Monday, December 1, 2008

It's That Time of Year Again...

...scrambling to get a photo taken for the annual Christmas letter. Unfortunately I might prove to be a slacker this year, but Dave's parents will remain faithful in mailing one out, so I figured the least I could do was provide the camera & tripod :-)

We had high hopes of getting a Perkins family picture this weekend while Kristin was in town for Thanksgiving. It was all planned out...we'd go out for lunch after church on Sunday, then come back to our house and take the pic before Kris had to head back home.

Our plans were squashed when Will fell asleep on the way home from lunch; and we couldn't bring ourselves to wake him up - Lord knows that would've been a catastrophe! He's been transitioning from 2 naps to 1, and it wares a little guy out. He's typically pretty spent after a morning in the nursery anyway. So rather than waking Will, we resorted to taking a photo without him...perhaps I'll just photoshop him in ;-)

In all honesty, it may have worked out for the best (as terrible as that sounds); as Will hasn't been the most cooperative when it comes to photos lately. He ignores us (and it's most definitely intentional!) when we try to get him to look at the camera. Following his nap, I propped him up in front of the fireplace, and with the help of Cheerios and football on the tube, he stayed in place...for a few minutes, anyway! Guess there will have to be more than one photo included this time around.


The Moser Fam... said...

Great family picture! Isn't it so much easier to get a picture of Will alone then to try to make him pose with the family? I completely understand. I'm hoping we can get at least one good shot this year...but we'll see! :) Will is so adorable. I love his little sweater. :)

Ben and Erin said...

So funny that you don't have Will in the family photo. I would've done the same as you though...and Clare definitely went through that stage and still sometimes does with the deliberate ignoring when I'm trying to take her picture. It is so frustrating! Will, as always, is a cutie pie. Love his little brown sweater and jeans too--so handsome! :)

MP said...

great picture of the family. Cade definitely ignores me most of the time when the camera comes out! The individuals of Will came out nicely!

ZFam said...

How did you snag such a great picture on a timer and tripod?! I'm impressed...and, you're probably right...getting one with a baby Will's age is nearly impossbile. I've given up on getting a good picture for at least another year=)